Customer-specific projects and consulting

References Projects and Consulting

We support Nonprofit-organisations in customer-specific projects and advise them in various issues. We can draw on our many years of experience in the field of Nonprofit-organisations.

We provide project support and advisory services to the following organisations:


Qualisteelcoat is a quality label for coated steel. Qualisteelcoat is a quality label organisation committed to maintaining and promoting the quality of lacquering, painting and coating on steel. On behalf of customers who have products coated, Qualisteelcoat defines comprehensive quality requirements and monitors their compliance.


Qualanod is a quality label for Sulphuric Acid-Based Anodising of Aluminium. Qualanod is a quality label organisation committed to maintaining and promoting the quality of anodised aluminium. On behalf of customers who have products anodised, Qualanod defines comprehensive quality requirements and monitors their compliance.

ORS - Ortho Reha Suisse

Ortho Rhea Suisse ORS represents the interest of its members as a qualified professional and branch organisation in orthopedic technology. As an economic and business association, ORS represents the interest of its members. The association promotes vocational education and training and carries out advanced technical examinations.
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