References Quality Labels
We support industries in introducing and maintaining their specific quality label. Several international organisations of the metal surface treatment industry are among our customers.
We serve the following organisations:
Qualisteelcoat is a quality label for coated steel. Qualisteelcoat is a quality label organisation committed to maintaining and promoting the quality of lacquering, painting and coating on steel. On behalf of customers who have products coated, Qualisteelcoat defines comprehensive quality requirements and monitors their compliance.
Qualanod is a quality label for Sulphuric Acid-Based Anodising of Aluminium. Qualanod is a quality label organisation committed to maintaining and promoting the quality of anodised aluminium. On behalf of customers who have products anodised, Qualanod defines comprehensive quality requirements and monitors their compliance.
Qualicoat Switzerland
Qualicoat Switzerland belongs to the international Qualicoat organisation. Qualicoat defines, monitors and tests the quality of pre-treatment, coating, coating technology and the correct use of coating materials for the processing of aluminium in architecture with strict standards and guidelines.
VSA - Asscotiation of the Swiss Anodizing companies
The association of the Swiss Anodizing companies VSA is a hub and information platform for the members, interested parties and uers. Central goals are the exchange and the update of specialist knowledge, the promotion of young talents and the quality aspiration on a broad scale.